Many people don’t like their tap water, making them turn to alternative options, such as bottled water. While bottled water is extremely convenient and usually tastes good, it has many drawbacks that are often overlooked. If you have considered switching to bottled water, or if you already consume a lot of bottled water, check out these four disadvantages.
- It’s Expensive
Bottled water is significantly more expensive than tap water. On average, you can spend $9.47 per gallon on bottled water, but the same amount of tap water only costs $0.005. As a result, you can pay 2,000 times more for bottled water than tap water.
Of course, many people don’t like the taste, color, or odor of their tap water, but many products can help improve your tap water. For example, getting a drinking water system can cost between $1,000 and $1,500, which will save you money on buying endless bottled water.
Plus, using purified water in your appliances will help them last longer. As a result, you save money on water costs and appliance repairs or replacement.
- It Uses More Water
It seems counterintuitive, but bottled water isn’t made as simply as gathering water, filtering it, and putting it in bottles. The factories used to bottle water use water to run, which means that they use three liters of water to produce just one liter of bottled water. This is certainly bad for the environment, but it could affect you as well. An inefficient use of water could result in water shortages over time. With a drinking water system, you use as much water as you drink and no more.
- The Water May Contain Chemicals
The plastic used to make the bottles can contain hazardous chemicals. Many bottled water companies stopped using plastic with BPA, which can be hazardous to humans, but even those plastic bottles still sometimes contain potentially dangerous chemicals.
The chemicals usually stay in the plastic, but they can leech into the water if the water has sat too long or has been exposed to heat (such as the heat inside a car on a summer day). If these get into your system, they can cause potential health problems. In particular, they can interfere with your endocrine system, which affects your hormone levels.
- The Plastic Lasts a Long Time
Plastic is terrible for the environment because it lasts such a long time. Most plastic can take centuries to fully decay, and even recycling plastic isn’t a perfect solution. As a result, plastic quickly fills landfills, and as the plastic does slowly decay, it can leech those dangerous chemicals into the soil and groundwater.
If plastic is disposed of improperly, it can cause a lot of other complications. Plastic in water gathers and can trap sea creatures. Animals on land and in the ocean can also get trapped in plastic or eat plastic, increasing the risk of illness or death.
Unfortunately, while plastic lasts a long time, it still isn’t a durable option. For this reason, plastic can’t be reused again and again. Those water bottles you use are single-use. So once they are empty, you aren’t supposed to refill them. In fact, a lot of plastic is single-use only, which helps contribute to lots of plastic production.
Many Americans still drink from bottled water, but bottled water is only a waste of money and a danger to the environment. If you don’t like the taste, color, or odor of your tap water, don’t turn to bottled water; invest in your home with a water purification system. If you would like to know more, contact us at Rainsoft A & B Marketing today.